It was time for our annual reunion with our friends Cyndi and Ernie from Winston-Salem, NC, and Penny and Gil from Santa Rosa, CA. Where should we go, we wondered, that would give us beautiful scenery, outdoor recreation, a senseRead more
The Gorgeous Columbia River Gorge
Mary Gilbert
Tours and Sightseeing, United States
Best Western Plus Hood River Inn, Bonneville Fish Hatchery, Bonneville Lock and Dam, Bridge of the Gods, Cascade Locks, Cascade Mountains, Chanticleer Point, Charles Lindbergh, Columbia River, Columbia River Gorge, Crown Point, Explore the Gorge, Hiking, Hood River, Lewis and Clark, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Multnomah Falls, Multnomah Falls Lodge, Munra Falls, Oregon, Pacific Crest Trail, Queen of the West, Sacajawea, Salmon, Travel, Travel blog, Travel writing, Vista House, Wahclella Falls 10 Comments